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For more information about my podcast episodes or a variety of health topics, please check out my blog! Here's to improved health and wellness!

The human-pet bond: Exploring the health benefits | Animal assisted therapy

Is there a way to tell when a teen is overwhelmed by stress? What should parents ask teens and when should they be concerned?

Today’s teens are just as stressed as their parents. Stress in teens can lead to various health issues and no matter the circumstances, stress needs to be taken seriously so it can be handled in a healthy way.

Teens can get stressed by a number of things, including activities they’re excited about. It can be anything from academics or their part-time job to relationships and even beloved extracurricular activities.

Get detailed information and tips in Episode 77, where my guest, Merigan Neben, LCPC, Assistant Principal of Student Services at Naperville Central High School in Naperville Community Unit School District 203, and I examine ways parents can identify stress in teens and talk about practical strategies to help them manage it.

Click here listen and learn more. Remember, you can find all Health 360 with Dr. G podcasts on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, at, or listen on your favorite podcast app!

Dr. Mark D. Gomez

The human-pet bond: Exploring the health benefits | Animal assisted therapy

Food is more than fuel – it plays an integral role in our lives, including social, emotional and spiritual components.

Most people know nutrition is important for good health and well-being. The difficulty lies in changing well-worn habits that include fast, easy, processed, unhealthy food choices.

Check out Episode 76, my guest, Colin Zhu, DO, and founder of TheChefDoc, and I talk about how to build a balanced diet plan that can help protect you from disease and promote a healthier state of being.

Click here listen and learn more. Remember, you can find all Health 360 with Dr. G podcasts on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, at, or listen on your favorite podcast app!

The human-pet bond: Exploring the health benefits | Animal assisted therapy

Spine surgery has been around for more than 100 years. It’s safe to say that today’s spine surgery is vastly different from the early days.

Learn more in Episode 75, where my guest, Jimmy Zhu, MD, board-certified orthopedic spine surgeon with Edward-Elmhurst Health, and I discuss technological advancements in spine surgery, reasons someone would need surgery and answer FAQs.

Click here listen and learn more. Remember, you can find all Health 360 with Dr. G podcasts on Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, at, or listen on your favorite podcast app!

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